Realign people to the goals and objectives of Student Life
Outline your strategies for making contact with both Christians and non-Christians (cast vision)
Run activities that help build you as a team
Plan follow-up of contacts made during O-Week
Assign jobs – make banners, stall set-up, roster, etc., produce questionnaires
Pray together
Have brochures
Have sign-up sheets for Bible studies and other weekly activities
Have hand-outs for a social event at the end of the week (BBQ or something)
Have a banner that tells clearly who you are
Train your students on how to actively engage those who come to the stall in conversation, and invite them to something (don’t just stand there waiting for them to ask you questions)
Use at the stall, and free-roving
For free-roving questionnaires, target lines and queues and areas where people are just sitting
Can be for a prize (Chupa Chups work well as a “reward” just for filling it in; a major prize could be a voucher for a CD shop); this facilitates collecting the questionnaires
Have noticeable advertising at your stall for your questionnaire and prize
Go for quality and quantity
Make sure you get their contact details
Ask for permission to contact them
Carry a notebook to record their names and addresses of contacts you’ve developed into friends
Be proactive – invite them to things, arrange to pick them up, ask them for a decision about whether they’ll come
Follow Through With O-Week Contacts
Get together for phone parties
Prioritise contacts who have shown real interest
Get on to it within 48 hours of having made the contact
Set up face-to-face appointments – be clear about time, place, what you look like, back up plan for when they stand you up; persevere with them a few times when they stand you up (don’t assume the worst, assume they’ve forgotten).
Encourage and pray for each other; keep each other accountable, as this is often a hard area
Start putting together Christianity Explained and Bible study groups
LINC Campus Principle!
Never do anything alone that could involve others:
Every job is an opportunity to spend time with someone else to train, disciple and equip them!