Whatever wealth we don’t give away while living, is then given away through our will.
It is a joyful blessing to give, since all “our” wealth came from God anyway.
Jesus taught us to “store up for yourselves treasures in heaven” by investing back into His Kingdom some of the wealth God has blessed us with.
This is why Power to Change welcomes Bequests and enduring Donations from individuals, foundations, trusts and corporations to make “treasures in heaven”.
You may want to provide for Gods work beyond your lifetime, by making a bequest in your will.
Sometimes windfalls come our way from assets sales or inheritances or investments, and you might wish to make a large donation that goes on supporting our ministry beyond your lifetime.
You can if you like specify the time period over which your legacy will be spent by our ministry. If you don’t specify a period for expending your gift then the policy of Power to Change is to allow the Board to decide on its use. The larger the sum the more likely its use will be spread over time.
If you would like to make a bequest or an enduring donation to Power to Change, then please specify Power to Change (ABN 25 126098398) in your will, or on your gift.
You can submit an enquiry here, or simply call our Bequests/Donations officer on 03 9014 7584.
Estate Planning – Will and Bequests
Most of us put off making a will, or updating our old one. It is not that scary however.
The Guide to Making a Will flowchart will help you decide if you need a new will, or whether your will is current enough to just use a codicil for a new bequest. Codicils can be risky and many lawyers suggest it is better to do a new will.
Making a will involves forward planning, thinking about our estate and who to provide for when we are gone. To assist you with estate planning we have made available here a Guide to Estate Planning for Christians written by John Altman, an experienced wills lawyer from Platform Legal.
This same law firm has also made a generous offer to assist friends of Power to Change to prepare a will for a fixed low fee.
After the needs of your family are allowed for you may wish to make a bequest to Gods work in organisations like Power to Change.
Power to Change is able to accept many types of donations and bequests including cash, property, shares, and even items that can be on sold. This includes fixed amounts or % gifts and we can help you or your solicitor draft your bequest so that it accomplishes your intentions and is legally valid. We do appreciate being sent notice of a bequest, for our records.
You can request more information through our online form or contact our Bequests person on 03 9014 7584.