Date: 8th – 12th July
Event Date: 1:30pm 8th July 2024
Event End Date: 1:30pm 12th July 2024
Registrations Close: 13th June 2024
Price: $500 (or $400 if this is your first Power To Change conference). There is also a discount if you register and pay before May 10th!
Location: Watson Park Convention Centre, QLD
How do we have everlasting joy in every season we are in, in the great times and in the really hard times? Come and explore the character and heart of God, and how knowing Him changes you and allows you to truly experience everlasting joy.
Students from NSW and Qld will come together for 5 days to hear our speakers unpack what the Bible has to say Everlasting Joy. There will be times to worship in song, to receive practical training, to hear stories about what God is doing in people’s lives and to get to know more about how Power to Change can help you while you’re at uni. There will also be times to mingle and make new friends. Whether you are exploring what it means to follow Jesus, are just getting to know him, or you’ve been following Jesus for many years, please join us!
WHEN // Monday 8th July – Friday 12th July, 2024
WHERE // Watson Park Convention Centre, Dakabin, QLD
COST // $500 (or $400 if this is your first Power To Change conference). There is also a discount if you register and pay before May 10th!
The deadline to register and pay for MYC is Friday the 13th of June.
This is to allow us to complete important planning steps for each person attending, such as allocating training. Due to the time required to complete these processes, this deadline is not negotiable.
No registrations after this date will be accepted so please make sure you submit your registration and payment by June 13th and let any friends you’re inviting know that they will need to do so as well.
Failure to pay by the deadline will mean your registration will be voided. Please note that there are no refunds for any cancellations or withdrawals after the deadline.
Bank Details
Account name: PTC Campus QLD Area
BSB: 064 433
Account number: 1057 1602
Reference: LastName_FirstInitial_WC24 (e.g. “Smith_J_WC24”)
Worship: There will be daily opportunity to come together to worship God together in community.
Time Alone with God (Quiet Time): While we will have plenty of time to learn together, we also know just how important it is for you to have time alone to explore more about who Jesus is by reading the Bible, engaging with God, and processing anything you may be learning, so we have ensured there is time for this daily.
Training: There will be opportunities to break into smaller groups to explore the Christian faith deeper, or receive practical training based on growing, sharing and multiplying your faith.
The trainings will equip you in skills and understanding with topics ranging from discovering who Jesus really is all the way to learning how to talk to people about Jesus, how to disciple other students or what it looks like to be part of leading a Christian movement at your campus!
Teaching: Each day we will be diving deeper into our Bible passage for the week – Isaiah 35. We have broken this chapter in Isaiah up into five parts so every day will have its own focus that will allow us to further grapple with and understand the theme of Everlasting Joy. We will have opportunities during the teachings to break off into smaller groups to discuss and learn from one another as we open the Word together.
Free Time/Nightlife: We like to break up all that we are taking in with space to just relax and have fun. Beach time, sports, craft and other activities are what students typically find themselves doing during their free time. We have asked students what activities they would like this year and have included all of these in our schedule for you to enjoy! In the evenings, there will be time to play games, have a chat over supper, and go deeper with those you have been connecting with.
Mission: Power to Change desires the gospel to be made known not only on our university campuses in Australia, but throughout the whole world! With this in mind, we’ll get to hear about the places we can go over Summer to serve and engage people in conversations about Jesus.
Campus Time: Whether you are new to Power To Change, or have been around for years, this is a great opportunity for you to connect with other students on your campus who are also on this faith journey.
International Community: Winter Conference is a place for both local Australian and International students to come together, connecting with Jesus and each other. There will be opportunities for our friends whose first language is not English to experience training and community alongside other international students.
There will also be a range of seminars you can attend and you will have the opportunity to be a part of a small journey group over the conference.
The best way to experience all of this and more is to come along and join us for Winter Conference!
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Kez (missionary in QLD who is overseeing the registration) at the following email address:
Enter your email address to receive regular updates about what God is doing through Power to Change.
Enter your email address to receive regular updates about what God is doing through Power to Change.
© 2024 Power to Change