The concept of vision is prevalent throughout the Scriptures. Abraham carried within himself the vision of land and a multitude of descendants. For years, Moses led the Children with the vision of the Promised Land in mind. Joshua advanced his army with a vision in mind. Nehemiah’s vision for the rebuilding of the wall permeates the book that bears his name. The magi travelled for miles with the vision in mind of a new King. The Son went to the cross with the Father’s vision in his heart. The Apostle Paul was willing to become all things to all peoples to see the fulfilment of a vision.
We must have the vision to call people to come alongside us and work towards a common purpose. A vision is a comprehensive statement that tells the leaders of a movement what direction they should move, and what they should accomplish so they can motivate the leaders of the movement what direction they should move, and what they should move, and what they should accomplish so they can motivate the people under them. The movement should be and strive toward a future reality, not just to a dream. Here are some articles that can help you to cast vision well.
“Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Jesus cast vision. He painted mental images of what the disciples could be like in the future if they trusted God to use them.
We, as Key Volunteers, meet students each day who are just like those disciples – available, willing to learn, willing to serve God, but not knowing how – wanting to be part of something that will capture their hearts. We need to cast vision to them, just as Jesus did – not just give them activities to do.
Most vision casting is very individual – built on someone’s personal experiences. Following, however, is a way to cast vision that is from the Bible, so it’s transferable – anyone can do it.
You are looking for students who are FATO – Faithful, Available, Teachable, and Obedient. By the end of your time meeting with someone, even if it is your first time, their responses will give you an idea if they are FATO.
By Cam Fletcher
In August 1964, under the backdrop of the Lincoln Memorial, Dr Martin Luther King delivered the speech of his life and perhaps the speech of his generation, one that served as the seedbed of social change. “I Have a Dream” was a capsulated summary of the dream that a generation of African Americans felt in their hearts. Dr King was a leader. “I Have a Dream” was his vision. What he foresaw was a better America of equality and brotherhood. His dream has fuelled a thousand other dreams, many of which have become a reality. This is the power of vision. Every movement begins with a dream. The dream or vision is the force that invents and helps create the future.
By Eric Swanson
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