Spreading the Light – Online
We created an online community where people could come together, feel loved, feel accepted, and hear a bit about what Jesus had done in our lives and experience some love for themselves.
We created an online community where people could come together, feel loved, feel accepted, and hear a bit about what Jesus had done in our lives and experience some love for themselves.
Throughout the morning, Marcus and I approached a handful of people and had some very brief conversations with them, asking if they had any interest in engaging in a conversation about God, faith, spiritual things or if they had ever come across Christianity before.
During the conference, most of our time and energy reflected the Great Commission and was devoted to training and equipping Christians in disciple-making. Our ultimate aim is for people to learn how to do that at these events and then take that back to their individual campuses, churches and communities.
It felt odd to be gathered around such a large assortment of students at Perth airport. It was mid-week, and many of them probably should
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